Add the distance search to the directions form & adjust all its related settings

The distance search is a complementary tool that will let you focus on a specific area of the map by hiding all locations that are outside your area of interest.

To activate this option, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”, scroll down and click on the menu “Directions Settings”.
  3. Open the group field “Distance search settings” and adjust the following options:
    • Select the option “Yes” in the field “Allow distance search” to add the distance search to your form. To deactivate it in the future, come back to this field and select the option “No”.
    • Choose the display status of the distance search slider by selecting an option in the field “Distance search display status”. To open it on map load, select the option “Open”. To leave it closed, select the option “Close”.
    • If you need to, change the minimum distance to use as the distance of search between the start point and the destinations by editing the value in the field “Min. distance of search”.
    • If you need to, change the maximum distance to use as the distance of search between the start point and the destinations by editing the value in the field “Max. distance of search”.
    • If you need to, change the label of the switcher by editing the text in the field “Switcher label”. The switcher is a button that allow users to activate and deactivate the distance search from the search form.
    • If you need to, change the title that appears when hovering over the radius button by editing the text in the field “Radius button title”. The Radius button, located next to the distance slider, will allow users to find the locations inside the defined area.
  4. Choose whether or not to draw a circle around the search area by selecting an option in the field “Circle option”.
  5. Choose whether or not to allow resizing the circle in order to find more or less locations by selecting an option in the field “Resize the circle”.
  6. To customize the style of the circle, open the group field “Circle customization” and modify the colors & values in the fields “Fill color”“Fill opacity”“Stroke color”, “Stroke opacity” and “Stroke weight”.