This user guide provides detailed information about “Progress Map”. It is intended to walk you through many common tasks that you might want to accomplish using this plugin.
Get started by browsing the topics below or from the left, or use the search panel to find a specific article.
- Installing the plugin
- What to do after installing the plugin?
- First steps
- Getting started (Video)
- Create an API Key & activate the required APIs
- Insert the Google Maps API Key
- Connect the plugin with your (custom) post types
- Connect the plugin with your custom “Latitude” and “Longitude” fields
- Set the Infobox & carousel item links
- Set the default maps center point
- Choose the map language
- Choose the main colors of the map elements
- Use the plugin with WPML
- Set the default map settings
- How to update?
- Creating & displaying a map
- Adding new locations
- Query settings
- Layout settings
- Map settings
- Set the map center point
- Restrict map bounds
- Set the map container background color
- Set the initial zoom level of the map
- Set the Max. & Min. zoom levels of the map
- Zoom the map on double click
- Controlling gesture handling
- Drag the map
- Show the zoom control
- Zooming the map using the mouse scroll wheel
- Extend the map bounds to contain all markers & clusters (Autofit)
- Use a button to recenter the map
- Show to fullscreen control
- Show the map type control
- Show the street view control
- Resize the map controls
- Enable retina display for custom markers & clusters
- Display the traffic Layer
- Display the transit layer
- Display the bicycling Layer
- Map style settings
- Marker settings
- Marker clustering settings
- Marker labels settings
- Marker popups settings
- Marker menu settings
- Markers categories settings
- Infoboxes settings
- Set the infobox type
- Change the infobox description length
- Change the infobox size
- Choose when to display the infobox
- Display infoboxes by reaching a zoom level
- Add a close button to the infoboxes
- Remove the infobox when the mouse leaves the marker
- Choose how to open the infobox’s link
- Build a custom title from custom fields for the infoboxes
- Build a custom content from custom fields and/or categories for the infoboxes
- Add ellipses (…) at the end of the infoboxes content
- Disable the infoboxes
- Geo-targeting settings
- Heatmap layer settings
- KML Layers settings
- OpenStreetMap
- Map Holes settings
- Ground overlays settings
- Polylines settings
- Polygons settings
- Carousel settings
- Show or hide the carousel
- Syncronize the carousel with the viewport of the map
- Connect or detach the carousel and the map
- Hash navigation
- Change the map zoom when clicking an item in the carousel
- Set the carousel mode (LTR/RTL)
- Set the number of items to scroll by in the carousel
- Set the carousel easing effect and animation speed
- Set the carousel to auto scroll mode
- Set the scroll mode of the carousel
- Scroll the carousel using the mouse wheel
- Scroll the carousel using the touch swipe
- Scroll the carousel by targeting markers and infoboxes
- Carousel style
- Carousel items settings
- Set the display view of the items in the crousel
- Show or hide the carousel items images
- Changing the carousel items size
- Show or hide the carousel items link
- Change the text of the carousel items link
- Build a custom title from custom fields for the carousel items
- Set the carousel items title as a link
- Choose how to open the carousel items links
- Build a custom content from custom fields and/or categories for the carousel items
- Add ellipses (…) at the end of the crousel items content
- Faceted search settings
- Build a faceted search to filter posts on the map
- Automatically open the faceted search once the map is loaded
- Filter the posts by selecting one or multiple taxonomy terms
- Automatically select particular terms and filter the map once loaded
- Drag or autofit the map when filtering posts
- Customizing checkboxes and/or radio buttons in the filter
- Change the faceted search button image
- Change the background color of the faceted search
- Search form settings
- Display a search form on the map to find locations within a specific distance of an address
- Automatically open the search form once the map is loaded
- Set the Min. & Max. distance of search
- Set the distance unit (Km/Miles)
- Deactivate the geo-targeting on the search form
- Change the default titles in the search form
- Change the search form button image
- Change the background color of the search form
- Change the search form warning messages
- Draw a circle around the search area
- Resize the circle to refine the search results
- Customizing the circle
- Zooming to countries settings
- Countries search
- Automatically open the countries list once the map is loaded
- Show the country bounds
- Zoom the map to the country center point
- Add search field to countries list
- Change the countries list button image
- Choose the language to use when displaying the countries names
- Show and/or hide the countries flags and/or names
- Choose the countries to use in the search
- Change the display order of the countries in the list
- Nearby points of interest settings
- How does the feature nearby points of interest works?
- Display the list of nearby places on the map
- Automatically open the list of nearby places once the map is loaded
- Choose the Min. & Max. distance of search
- Choose the unit system to use when displaying distance
- Draw a circle around search area
- Resize the circle to get more or less nearby places of interest
- Use custom icons for nearby place types
- Show and/or hide the place types icons and/or names from the place types list
- Choose the nearby place types to use in the search
- Change the display order of the place types in the list
- Autocomplete settings
- Customize
- Change the order of the top buttons on the map
- Change the order of the left buttons on the map
- Change the modal/pop-up size
- Force to open the modal/pop-up in fullscreen
- Change the main colors of the plugin
- Change the slider color
- Change the default marker color
- Change the default clusters color
- Change the zoom controls icons
- Customize the map using your custom CSS code
- Posts Count Settings
- Translation
- Troubleshooting
- Regenerate markers
- Enabling WordPress Debugging
- Enabling the plugin debug mode
- Disabling Stylesheets & Scripts
- Fix the issue of small featured images
- Fix the issue of infobox and carousel items content that is displayed as shortcodes
- Fix the issue where settings cannot be saved
- Issue: Setting 0 daily quota override disables Maps API on project
- Single post maps
- Shortcodes
- Tutorials
- Center the map on a specific marker when the page loads and trigger the marker’s event
- Open the single post page inside a modal
- Programmatically change single map language based on the URL’s language attribute
- Synchronize the ACF map field with the map fields in “Progress Map”
- Set the zIndex of a specific marker
- Replace/override your map query settings to showcase diverse locations on any page
- Show locations based on a keyword search
- Display “Progress Map” metabox on “Envira Gallery” add/edit page
- How to add custom class names to the infoboxes
- How to add “Read More” link to the infobox content
- Programmatically change the content of the carousel items
- Programmatically change the content of the infobox
- Programmatically change the title of the infobox
- Make the plugin GDPR/DSGVO compliance
- Trigger marker events
- Center the map on a specific marker on page load
- Open the locations/posts “Nearby places” map inside a modal
- Redirect to the single post on marker click
- Insert a map inside a taxonomy page and display locations based on the current taxonomy term
- Use marker popups to display the post ID
- Change the text of the button “Toggle Carousel”
- Use the StreetView image as the carousel items image
- Hide the Points of Interest from the map
- Import/Export your maps between WordPress websites
- Import/Export your map locations between WordPress websites