Open the locations/posts “Nearby places” map inside a modal

Please note that this option requires that you have the add-on “Nearby Places” installed in your site!

To open the locations/posts “Nearby places” map inside a modal, do the following:

1. Create a new page:

  1. Create a new page by clicking on the menu “Pages => Add new”.
  2. Enter the page title. For example “Nearby places modal”.
  3. In the widget “Page attribute”, select the page template “Nearby palces modal”.

2. From the default infobox settings:

You can ignore this step if you don’t want to activate this option for the single post maps!

  1. Click on the menu “Progress Map”. Wait for the page to load!
  2. Click on the menu “Default infobox settings”.
  3. In the field “Post URL”, select the option “Open the “Nearby palces” map inside a modal/popup”.

3. From the map infobox settings:

You can ignore this step if you don’t want to activate this option for your map infoboxes!

  1. Edit your map
  2. Click on the menu “Infobox settings”.
  3. In the field “Post URL”, select the option “Open the “Nearby palces” map inside a modal/popup”.

4. From the carousel items settings:

You can ignore this step if you don’t want to activate this option for the carousel items!

  1. Edit your map
  2. Click on the menu “Carousel items settings”.
  3. In the field “Post URL”, select the option “Open the “Nearby palces” map inside a modal/popup”.

5. By clicking on a marker on the map:

You can ignore this step if you don’t want to activate this option for the location marker!

  1. Edit a location/post
  2. Scroll down or open the widget “Progress Map: Add Locations”.
  3. Click on the menu “Format & Media”.
  4. In the field “Format”, select the option “Nearby Places Map”.

In the same context