Set the Infobox & carousel item links

By default, clicking on the link “More” in a carousel item or clicking on an infobox will open to the single post page. In some cases, users wanted to open a custom link that redirects to a page in an another website. To support this feature, the plugin provides the possibility to use the single post link and/or a custom link.

How to use a custom link?

To use an custom link instead of the single post page link/URL, you’ll have to do the following:

This method requires that you use a custom field to store the custom link/URL! 

  1. Click on the menu “Progress Map”.
  2. Click on the menu “Plugin Settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the sectoin “Other parameters”.
  4. In the field “Outer links” custom field name”, enter the name of the custom field you use to store the external URL.
  5. Save your settings.
  6. If this is not the first time you use the plugin and that you’ve already added locations to your map(s), click on the menu “Troubleshooting”, then, click on the button “Regenerate markers”.
  7. In case you already created a map before making this change, you need to go and edit your map and do the following:
    1. Open the widget “(Custom) post type & Map settings”
    2. In the field “How to get the posts link?”, select the option “From a custom field”
    3. Save your map settings

To prevent specific maps from using the custom link, read the following!

How to prevent specific maps from using the custom link?

Since version 5.0, the plugin has provided the possibility to prevent specific maps from using the custom link.

In order to use the single post link for specific maps, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Open the widget “(Custom) post type & Map settings”
  3. In the field “How to get the posts link?”, select the option “Using the single post URL”
  4. Save your map settings

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