Controlling gesture handling

The usage of a map on a web page may require specific options to control the way users interact with the map to zoom and pan.

When a user scrolls a page that contains a map, the scrolling action can unintentionally cause the map to zoom. This behavior can be controlled using the “Gesture Handling” map option.

To control the gesture handeling, do the following:

  1. Edit a map
  2. Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
  3. Click on the menu “Map settings”.
  4. Open the group field “Controls & Interaction”.
  5. Select on of the available options in the field “Gesture Handling”. Each option provide a set of behaviors:
    • “cooperative”: Scroll events and one-finger touch gestures scroll the page, and do not zoom or pan the map. Two-finger touch gestures pan and zoom the map. Scroll events with a ctrl key or ⌘ key pressed zoom the map. In this mode the map cooperates with the page. In other words, on computers, if you use the mouse scroll wheel on the map, the web page will be scrolled instead. On touch-screen devices, the map will move (pan and/or zoom).
    • “greedy”: All touch gestures and scroll events pan or zoom the map. In other words, on computers and on touch-screen devices, mouse scroll wheel and two-finger touch gestures applied on the map will make it move (pan and/or zoom).
    • “none”: The map cannot be panned or zoomed by user gestures.
    • “auto”: (default) Gesture handling is either cooperative or greedy, depending on whether the page is scrollable or in an iframe.

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