Display the transit layer

The Transit layer allows you to display the public transit network of a city on your map. When the Transit Layer is enabled, and the map is centered on a city that supports transit information, the map will display major transit lines as thick, colored lines. The color of the line is set based upon information from the transit line operator. Enabling the Transit Layer will alter the style of the base map to better emphasize transit routes.

Transit information is only available in select locations. To see a list of cities where public transit information is currently available, please consult this list.

To activate the transit layer, do the following:

  1. Edit a map
  2. Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
  3. Click on the menu “Map settings”.
  4. Open the group field “Traffic, Transit, and Bicycling Layers”.
  5. Select the option “Yes” in the field “Transit layer”.

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