Choosing a filtering method

The plugin provides three different methods to filter the markers.

    1. The first method is “On-The-Fly filtering“. It’s an automatic filtreing method that allows to retrieve information according to the selected option(s) without having to click on the “Apply” button. As soon as the user selects an option, filtering starts.
    2. The second method is “Manual filtering“. It consists of selecting all the options with which to filter, then, click on the button “Apply” to start filtering.
    3. The third method is a combination of the two methods above. Users will have the possibility to turn on/off “On-The-Fly filtering” using a switch button that will be available on the filtering form.

Now that you know the available filtering methods, do the following to choose your preferred one:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”, scroll down and click on the menu “Markers filter Settings”
  3. Open the group field “Filters Parameters”
  4. Turn on or off the “On-the-Fly filtering” #

Besides the filtering methods, the plugin provides another option that allows you to reload the filters after a filter request. In the plugin, this is called “Filters synchronizing“. When you select an option in one of the filters/fields, the options of the other fields that will return a result will be kept and the options with no result will be removed.

To activate this option, select the option “Yes” in the field “Filters synchronizing”. To deactivate it, select the option “No”.