A heatmap is a visualization used to depict the intensity of data at geographical points. When the Heatmap Layer is enabled, a colored overlay will appear on top of the map. By default, areas of higher intensity will be colored red, and areas of lower intensity will appear green.
To enable or disable the heatmap layer on your map, follow these steps:
- Edit your map.
- Open the “Progress Map Settings” widget.
- Navigate to the “Heatmap Layer Settings” menu.
In the “Heatmap Layer” field:
- Select “Yes” to allow users to toggle the heatmap layer on or off.
- Choose “Yes and change the markers visibility” to enable toggling while hiding all map markers when the heatmap is active and displaying them again when it is turned off.
- Select “No” to completely disable the heatmap layer.
The Transit layer allows you to display the public transit network of a city on your map. When the Transit Layer is enabled, and the map is centered on a city that supports transit information, the map will display major transit lines as thick, colored lines. The color of the line is set based upon information from the transit line operator. Enabling the Transit Layer will alter the style of the base map to better emphasize transit routes.
Transit information is only available in select locations. To see a list of cities where public transit information is currently available, please consult this list.
To activate the transit layer, do the following:
- Edit a map
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Open the group field “Traffic, Transit, and Bicycling Layers”.
- Select the option “Yes” in the field “Transit layer”.
The Traffic layer allows you to add real-time traffic information (where supported) to your map. Traffic information is refreshed frequently, but not instantly. Rapid consecutive requests for the same area are unlikely to yield different results.
To activate the traffic layer, do the following:
- Edit a map
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Open the group field “Traffic, Transit, and Bicycling Layers”.
- Select the option “Yes” in the field “Traffic layer”.
The autofit option enables the map to automatically adjust its view to include all markers, clusters, overlays, and KML layers, ensuring they are all visible when the map loads for the first time or when the map’s recenter button # is clicked. If this option is activated, the initial map zoom setting # will be overridden.
To enable/disable the autofit option, follow these steps:
- Edit a map
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Open the group field “Map Properties (Zoom, Autofit etc…)”.
- To enable the autofit option, select “Yes” in the “Autofit” field. To disable it, select “No”.
To use marker clusters on your map, do the following:
- Edit a map
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Marker clustering settings”.
- Select the option “Yes” in the field “Use marker clustering”.
- To set the distance between all markers that must be contained within a cluster, change the value in the field “Grid size”.
To allow dragging the map while keeping it at the same scale using the mouse on desktop or two fingers on mobile devices, do the following:
The below option is deprecated since v5.6.5, read the guide “Controlling gesture handling #“ instead!
Edit a map
Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
Click on the menu “Map settings”.
Select the option “Yes” in the field “Draggable”.
To allow zooming the map using the double click of the mouse or by double-tapping a mobile screen, do the following:
- Edit a map
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Select the option “Enable” in the field “Zoom on double click”.
To set the maximum & minimum zoom levels of the map, do the following:
- Edit a map.
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Select the max. zoom level in the field “Max. zoom”.
- Select the min. zoom level in the field “Min. zoom”. Note that the min. zoom should always be lower than the max. zoom!
To set the initial zoom level of the map, the one to be used when loading the map for the first time, do the following:
- Edit a map.
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- Select the initial zoom level in the field “Map zoom”.
To set the center point of the map, do the following:
- Edit a map.
- Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
- Click on the menu “Map settings”.
- In the field “Map center”, follow the instructions in the description of that field to find and set the map center. The coordinates (Latitude & Longitude) must be provided in the field “Latitude & Longitude”!
What coordinates format to use?
Only “Decimal” format is allowed. e.g. “55.7557860, -37.6176330″
All underneath formats are not supported:
- Degrees minutes seconds : 40° 26′ 46″ N 79° 58′ 56″ W
- Degrees decimal minutes: 40° 26.767′ N 79° 58.933′ W
- Decimal degrees: 40.446° N 79.982° W