Sort by search

The sort by search tool allows you to sort posts/locations before displaying the search results. By using this tool, a select list that contains your sort by options will be added to your search form.

To add the sort by search to your form, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your search form
  2. Click on the menu “Sort by search”
  3. In the field “Use sort by search option?”, select the option “Yes”
  4. In the field “Title”, enter the title of the sort by search field (the field label).
  5. In the field “Description”, enter the description of the sort by search field (the field description).
  6. Read the following before saving the search form …

1. Sort by publish date

To add an option that allows sorting posts/locations by publish date, do the following:

  1. Scroll down to the area “Sort by publish date” and click on the group field “Sort by publish date options”
  2. In the field “Title”, enter the title of your sortby option (e.g. “Date”)
  3. In the field “Sort order”, select the options:
    1. “: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations from newest to oldest.
    2. “Descending (3,2,1 | C,B,A)”: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations from oldest to newest.
  4. In the field “Descending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the descending option (e.g. “(Oldest first)”)
  5. In the field “Ascending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the ascending option (e.g. “(Newest first)”)
  6. To show/hide the “Sort by publish date”, select an option in the field “Visibility”

2. Sort by title

To add an option that allows sorting posts/locations by title, do the following:

  1. Scroll down to the area “Sort by title” and click on the group field “Sort by title options”
  2. In the field “Title”, enter the title of your sortby option (e.g. “Title”)
  3. In the field “Sort order”, select the options:
    1. “: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations from A to Z.
    2. “Descending (3,2,1 | C,B,A)”: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations from Z to A.
  4. In the field “Descending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the descending option (e.g. “(Z to A)”)
  5. In the field “Ascending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the ascending option (e.g. “(A to Z)”)
  6. To show/hide the“Sort by title”, select an option in the field “Visibility”

3. Sort by custom fields

To add options that allows sorting posts/locations by custom fields, do the following:

  1. Scroll down to the area “Sort by custom fields” and click on the group field “Custom field options 1”
  2. In the field “Custom field name”, enter the name of your custom field.
  3. In the field “Custom field type”, select your custom field type.
  4. In the field “Title”, enter the title of your custom field (e.g. “Price”)
  5. In the field “Sort order”, select the options:
    1. “: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations by custom field value from lowest to highest .
    2. “Descending (3,2,1 | C,B,A)”: This will add an option that allows sorting posts/locations by custom field value from highest to lowest.
  6. In the field “Descending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the descending option (e.g. “(Highest first)”)
  7. In the field “Ascending suffix”, enter a suffix to display after the title for the ascending option (e.g. “(Lowest first)”)
  8. To show/hide the custom field, select an option in the field “Visibility”
  9. To add another custom field, click on the button “Add new custom field” and repeat the steps from 2 to 8.

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