Set & customize the predefined areas style

All predefined areas can have a default style. The style will apply when drawing the areas on the map. To set and/or customize the predefined areas style, do the following:

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Scroll down to the section “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas search”.
  3. Scroll down to the section “Areas default style”.
  4. Use the fields “Fill color”, “Stroke color”, “Fill opacity”, “Stroke opacity”, “Stroke weight” and “Stroke position” to set & customize the predefined areas style.

Remove a group of areas from the predefined areas list

To hide a group of areas from the predefined areas list, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the section “Area groups” and edit your areas group by clicking on its related group field.
  4. In the field “Visibility”, select the option “Hide group only” to hide the group name from the predefined areas list. This won’t hide the group’s related areas. To hide the group and all its related areas, select the option “Hide group and all related areas”.

Add a predefined area to a group of areas

To add/assign a predefined area to a group of areas, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the section “Areas” and edit your area by clicking on its related group field.
  4. In the field “Area group”, select the group to which you want to assing your area.

Creating a group of predefined areas

The plugin provides the possibility to split your predefined areas list into groups. Each group will contain a set of areas. To create a group of predefined areas, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the section “Area groups” and click on the group field “Group 1”.
  4. Enter the group name in the field “Group name”.
  5. In the field “Visibility”, select the option “Show”.

Add new predefined areas to the list

To add a new predefined area, do the following:

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the group field “Predefined areas search”.
  3. Scroll down to the section “Areas” and click on the group field “Area 1”.
  4. In the field “Area name”, enter your area name. For example “London, UK”.
  5. In the field “Area group”, assing your area to a group of areas if you need to, otherwise, select the option “None”.
  6. In the field “Polygon Paths”, enter the ordered sequence of coordinates of the Polygon/Area. You need to put each line segment (LatLng) as [Lat,Lng] or [Lng,Lat] seperated by comma. For example [45.5215,-1.5245],[41.2587,-1.2479],[40.1649,-1.9879]
  7. In the field “LatLngs order”, select the syntaxe you’ve followed to enter the coordinates of this Polygon/Area.
  8. In the field “Visibility”, select the option “Show”.
  9. In the field “Area/Polygon style”, choose whether you want to use the default polygon/area style or that you want to use a customized style for this particular area.
  10. If you want to use a customized style for your area, use the fields “Fill color”“Stroke color”“Fill opacity”“Stroke opacity”“Stroke weight” and “Stroke position”.
  11. To add a new area, click on the button “Add new area”.

Customize the predefined areas list

To increase or decrease the predefined areas list width and to change list placeholder, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas search”.
  3. In the field “Search field width”, change the list width.
  4. In the field “Search field placeholder”, change the list placeholder.

Allow multiple areas search

Users can select one or multiple predefined areas in the list. The default behavior is single area search. To allow multiple areas search, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas search”.
  3. In the field “Search by multiple areas”, select the option “Yes”.

Opening the predefined areas list on map load

To automatically open the predefined areas list once the map is loaded, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas search”.
  3. In the field “Display status”, select the option “Yes”.

Add the predefined areas list to your map

To add the predefined areas list to your map, do the following:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Predefined areas search”.
  3. In the field “Predefined areas search option”, select the option “Yes”.