Display “Progress Map” search form within the filter area

In this tutorial, you’ll see how to display “Progress Map” search form within the filter area of the extension “List & filter”.

By using this code, the search form will be removed from the map and displayed within the filter area!

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Search form settings”.
  3. Select the option “Search form option => Yes”.
  4. Edit the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme and copy/paste the following code in it:

In the following code, make sure to edit IDs in the variables $post_ids_array and $map_ids_array to your page & map IDs!

 * Display "Progress Map" search form before or after the list's filter
 * @since "PM v3.0"
function cspml_filter_searh_form($map_settings, $map_id){
	if (!class_exists('CspmMainMap'))
	$CspmMainMap = CspmMainMap::this();
	global $post;
	* The page IDs where the map can be displayed */
	$post_ids_array = array(10,20,30);
	* The map IDs to target */
	$map_ids_array = array(15,25,35);
  	if(in_array($post->ID, $post_ids_array) && in_array($map_id, $map_ids_array)){ 
		 * Hide the search form from the map
		 * Don't change this to TRUE! */
		 $map_settings[$CspmMainMap->metafield_prefix.'_search_form_option'] = 'false';
		 * Display the search form before or after the filter.
		 * Hook | "cspml_before_filter_form" | Display before the filter
		 * Hook | "cspml_after_filter_form" | Display after the filter

		add_filter('cspml_before_filter_form', function($default_output, $map_id){
			$CspmMainMap = CspmMainMap::this();
			   'var input = document.getElementById("cspm_address_'.$map_id.'");
				var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
				jQuery(document).on("click", "a[class^=cspm_reset_search_form], a[class^=cspm_submit_search_form_]", function(event){
						jQuery("html, body").animate({
							scrollTop: jQuery("div.cspml_listings_area_'.$map_id.'").offset().top-140
					}, 500);
			   'div.search_form_container_'.$map_id.' form label{
				  font-size: 14px !important;
			   @media (max-width: 767px){
				  div[class^=search_form_container_] {
					 left:0px !important;
					 width: auto !important;
			$output = '';
			$output .= $CspmMainMap->cspm_search_form(array(
			   'map_id' => $map_id,
			   'carousel' => 'no',
			   'custom_css' => 'display:block; position:relative; min-width:100%; margin-bottom:20px; top:0;',
			   'extensions' => add_filter('cspm_ext_name', function(){ return 'cspml_list'; }),
			   'open_btn' => false,
			$output .= '';
			return $output;
		 }, 10, 2);


	return $map_settings; 

add_filter('cspm_map_settings', 'cspml_filter_searh_form', 10, 2);

In the same context